Despite our name Wyoming, the
geographical area of our conference includes the Southern Tier
of New York (Binghamton, Endicott, Endwell, Johnson City, Vestal,
Owego, Sidney, Cooperstown, Norwich, Greene, Morris and Oneonta)
and Northeastern Pennsylvania (Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Clarks
Summit, Moscow, Honesdale, Carbondale, Pittston, Dallas, Tunkhannock,
Montrose and Athens).
If you are a member of a local church, a college or seminary
student from a local church in the Wyoming Conference, add your
E-Mail Address to the Laity
E-Mail Directory.
If you are interested in an E-Mail discussion group (mailing
list) about issues and ministries for clergy and laity from the
Wyoming Conference, join wyomlist.
Bulletin Board/Calendar:
Wyoming Conference Bulletin Board
Read announcements about the conference.
Wyoming Conference Calendar
Read about events in the conference.
A Prayer Concern from Our Bishop
"Please be in prayer for the many United Methodists participating
in the Jurisdictional Conferences in the five U.S. jurisdictions
of The United Methodist Church. May the Holy Spirit guide the
process as new bishops are elected, and as we pray, dream, and
prepare for mission and ministry into the future."
-Bishop Susan M. Morrison
What's the latest news?
- Northeastern Jurisdictional
Conference Web Log
- General Conference
Delegation Web Log
- The Voice
Online Edition
- Submitting
information to The Voice
- Echoes - Responding
to stories in The Voice
- The
Daily Voice
- Daily summaries of the activities during the annual sessions
of The Wyoming Annual Conference. These summaries are presented
in pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader and can find
a link to download the latest version on the Daily Voice index
- Wyoming
Conference Connections
- Connections is a publication produced by Wyoming Conference
Communications for use by local churches wishing to share news
from the connectional church in newsletters and as inserts in
- Briefings of Meetings of the Ministry Tables &
the Common Table
Wyoming Conference:
- Advance Specials
- Appointments
2004-2005 (pdf document)
- Binghamton
District Web Site
- Bishop & Cabinet
- Children's
- Chrysalis
- Clergy Directory
- Communities
of Shalom
- Conference Staff
- Cooperative
- Dimock
Campmeeting Ground
- Emmaus
- Haiti Partnership
- Haiti
Partnership-VIM HomePage
- Health Insurance
- Historical
- Laity E-Mail Directory
- Lay Ministry
& Leaders
- Lay Speaking Ministries
& Course Offerings
- Local Church Directory
- Local
Church HomePages
- Missionaries
- Oneonta District Web
- Prayer Cycle
- Scranton
District Laity
- Scranton
District Youth Council
- Sky
- Table & Committee
- United Methodist Homes
- United Methodist
Witness in Pennsylvania
- United
Methodist Women
- Videotape
- Volunteers
In Mission (Northeastern Jurisdiction)
- Welcoming New Christians
- WilkesBarre
District Youth Council
- Wyoming
- Wyomlist E-Mail Discussion
- Youth Council
for Christian Music
- Zimbabwe Partnership
Online & Downloadable Forms
- Forms
of Church or Charge Conference Reports
- 2004 Scholarship
Information Booklet
2004 Scholarship
Application Form
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and use this form.
- With it, you can type in the information and print a copy
of the document for mailing to the appropriate address.
United Methodist Church:
- Apportionments
& Special Sundays
- Book
of Discipline
- Doctrine
& Theology
- General Church
Boards & Agencies
- Media, News &
- United Methodist
- Wesleyan
Resources & Methodist History
- Youth & Student
Christian Connections:
- Bibles & Commentaries
- Computers, Clipart
& Graphics
- Devotionals
- Disaster News Network
- Ecumenical
- Human Rights
& Social Justice
- Ministry Resources
- Publications
- Theology
- Worship
& Preaching